
To monitor a term or hashtag on Twitter, select Twitter and enter the relevant key terms as search criteria. Inside the platform, it’s possible to filter by language, such filtering can be done by selecting the desired languages, as can be seen below:

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Moreover, The application of operators and filters to refine the search is allowed by Twitter. Some of the refinements can be seen below:

1. Tweets with phrases

Allows you to refine searches with several terms in a non-specif order, such as proper names, etc.

For example:

"Coca cola"

Such example will search for tweets regarding “Coca cola”

2. Tweets with two or more words at the same time

Allows you to filter tweets with two or more terms, which are not necessarily in the same order, such as in the phrases search. The terms as separated by space.

For example:

soda pepsi "coca cola"

Such example will search for tweets regarding “soda”, “pepsi” and “coca cola” at the same time.

3. Tweets with at least one word in a set of words

Allows you to filter tweets with at least one of the pre-defined terms. The string “OR” is used for that.

For example:

pepsi OR "coca cola"

Such example will search for tweets containing either the term “pepsi”, or “coca cola” or both.

4. Tweets without specific words

Allows you to filter tweets without a term. The character “-” (hyphen) is used for that.

For example:

soda "Coca cola" pepsi -fanta

Such example will search for tweets regarding “soda”, “coca cola”, “pepsi”, but without “fanta”.

5. Tweets with hashtags

Allows you to filter tweets with hashtags

For example:

#Funny #viral

Such example will search for tweets regarding the hashtags “#Fun” and “#Funny” and “#viral”, respectively.

6. Tweets published by specific accounts

Allows you to filter content published by specific accounts. The string “from:” is used for that.

For example:

from:cocacola_br pizza

Such example will search for tweets regarding “pepsi” posted by cocacola account

7. Tweets citing specific accounts

Allows you to filter content with mentions of a specific profile. The profile @ is used for that. The tweets may, or may not, include the name of the specified account, besides capture also tweets with mentions of other accounts.

For example


Such example will search for tweets mentioning @cocacoca profile.

8. Only tweets (without retweets)

Allows you to filter tweets but remove the retweets from the returned results. The string “-filter:retweets” is used for that.

For example:

"Coca cola" -filter:retweets

Such example will search only the tweets regarding “Coca cola”, without the retweets.

9. Filter by location

Allows you to filter tweets posted at specific locations. You can use the tool as support to build the query. Through it, you can “walk” in the map and select the specific desired region:


After clicking on “Selecionar” it will be possible to obtain the locality in the text field such as seen below:


Use the term highlighted in the red box. You also can:

  1. Alter the location of the circle, by dragging it.
  2. Increase or decrease the search radius.

For more examples, check Twitter's documentation and Twitter's tutorial for location searches.