
The alerts within the Sentimonitor platform are useful to identify when an indicator surpasses a predetermined parameter. For example, when you perceive that a monitoring typically collects between 50 and 100 posts a day, it is possible to create an alert which will notify you if the number of posts surpasses 150.

You can use the various indicators available, such as replication, engagement, impressions, replication per post, engagement per post and impressions per post. For example, by creating an alert for the average engagement, it is possible to be notified when a particular post is attracting a higher audience than usual. This allows you to react quickly.

To create an Alert, just select the filters you require (monitorings, social medias, sentiments, tags etc.). Then, click on Reports, Export and Presentation Mode in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Botão “Relatórios, Exportações e Modo Apresentação”

Then, click Create Alert.

Tela de Relatórios, Exportações e Modo Apresentação

The alert creation screen has the following options:

Tela para criação de alertas

After filling all necessary fields, just click Create Alert.

To verify alerts which have already been created, position your mouse over your email in the top right corner, and click Alerts.

Menu de acesso aos alertas

You can edit and delete alerts by clicking on the options to the right.

Tela de listagem de alertas