Export Posts

To export posts data, just select the filters that you wish to apply (which monitorings, social networks, sentiments, tags etc.). Next, click on Reports, Export and Presentation Mode in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Botão “Relatórios, Exportações e Modo Apresentação”

Then, click on Export Posts.

Tela de Relatórios, Exportações e Modo Apresentação

By clicking on the “Export Posts” option, you can:

Export posts

Wait a few moments until the file is ready and the download starts. The posts will be exported in Excel format and can be up to 5 thousand posts. The file will be in folder designated for download or at your chosen folder.

Once opened, the file will show the filtered posts data.

Arquivo de Postagens exportadas excel

Where each column present in the table shows the following information: